Unlock the power of learning through our open-ended nature scenes. The Forest set gives the opportunity to count, sort, create patterns, and build trees. This multi-sensory kit will provide hours of learning through imaginative play!
The Forest kit includes three trees. Each tree layer is an alternating shade of green to practice patterns, along with balancing and building. Also included, are three brown blocks that can be used as the trunks, or whatever else your lumber Jack or lumber Jill may have in mind. Take those layers and carefully balance them on the trunk to create the forest trees. Each piece in this set was hand-sketched and then carefully cut. To take this kit to the next level, we added 10 wooden ladybugs, 10 light pebbles, 10 dark pebbles, and 10 branch slices with numbers 1 - 10 printed on them. Open-ended, nature-inspired play is powerful!